
Alternative for SUMIF and SUMIFS - Part 2 (SUMPRODUCT)

We already know the primary challenge of using SUMIF or SUMIFS i.e. unable to sum more than a single column or row as a sum range. Many of us in the course of our excel usage may have experienced that SUMIFS has a bigger disadvantage when used across workbooks i.e. the source workbook should be open inorder to enable to computation in the destination workbook. If the source workbook remains closed, the result in the destination workbook will be "#VALUE". In my previous post , the alternative suggested not only does overcome the  "#VALUE" challenge but also allow users to sum a larger range.  In this post, I was able to decipher yet another alternative. I'm sure expert users may already be using this however to help other users, this post can be a ray of hope. We may have used the SUMPRODUCT function to calculate weighted average. Extrapolating the usage of SUMPRODUCT with condition or conditions can help you achieve the SUMIFS goal.  Syntax:  =SU...

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts - Handy during day to day work

I've had few posts earlier on few excel shortcuts. Navigation powered by "Ctrl" in Excel Shortcut to insert current date in a cell Shortcut to AutoFilter So, here I am, back with some more interesting shortcuts which will make your excel spreadsheet experience simpler. Let me start with some "CTRL" combinations which will be very handy for formating cells to match your requirements: CTRL + 1 : Opens the "Format Cells" dialog box CTRL + 2 : is to make the contents of the cell BOLD (this is a toggle key, to unbold use same CTRL + 2) CTRL + 3 : is to make the contents of the cell ITALICS (this is a toggle key) CTRL + 4 : is to underline the contents of the cell (this is a toggle key) CTRL + 5 : is to strike through the contents of the cell (this is a toggle key) CTRL + 9 : is to hide the entire row (to unhide use SHIFT + CTRL + 9) CTRL + 0 : is the hide the entire column (to unhide use SHIFT + CTRL + 0) CTRL + ~ : is to show or...

Alternative for SUMIF and SUMIFS

Ever wondered while using "SUMIF" function, the sum range cannot be more than one column!!  This indeed is a big drawback while using a large data set where you need to sum matching certain conditions. I often end up using multiple sumif with "+" which makes the formula very long. So was thinking of some alternative that can make life easier. Thanks to the search engines these days, I did come across a workaround. Refer to the above image: In the above example, I have a table with 4 columns where H1 and H2 are identifiers. H3 and H4 is the data which needs to be summed up. Condition 1 (alternative for SUMIF): I need to sum values of H3 and H4 where the identifier H2 is "Y". The formula will be =SUM(IF(B2:B5=B9,C2:D5)) followed by Ctrl + Shift + Enter which will make it a array formula. The final formula will look like this:  {=SUM(IF(B2:B5=B9,C2:D5))} Condition 2  (alternative for SUMIFS) : I need to sum values of H3 and H4 where the ...

Solving issues with "VLOOKUP"

VLOOKUP syntax We often encounter "#N/A" while using VLOOKUP function to compare two lists. One of the most common problems that give rise to this error is extra spaces either to the end or to the beginning of the string. What's the way out? The simplest way out is to use "TRIM" function as a sub function. Example While trying to use VLOOKUP in the normal course, the result will be "#N/A", whereas with TRIM nested in the VLOOKUP function will give the positive result. (TRIM function removes the unwanted spaces in the beginning and end of a string.)

Identify duplicate values in a list using "Countif"

Though MS Excel today allows to easily eliminate duplicate values in a list, have you ever tried to identify the number of entries that gets repeated in an excel list? In the above example, we can identify the repeat entries using "COUNTIF" function. Option 1 formula: =COUNTIF($D$1:D1,D1) Explanation: This formula counts the occurrence of the value in the list i.e. on the first occurrence, the result will be one and on the second it will be 2 and like wise. (see the figure below) Option 2 formula: =COUNTIF($D$1:$D$8,D1) Explanation: This formula counts the total number of repetitions. If an entry appears thrice in a list, then the result will be 3 in all the occurrences of that entry. (see the figure below) So start using whichever is convenient to you... :)

Power of Data Validation - 2

Have you ever wondered if we can have a dynamic drop down list i.e. a drop down using data validation that gets updated automatically with any change in the source of the drop down... I often faced problems having a dynamic drop down list but ultimately I was able to find a solution to my problem. Step 1: Format the source list as a table and name the table (here I've named the table as "Fruits") Step 2: Go to Formulas -> Name Manager and click on New Define any name in the dialog box In the example, I've named it as "Names". Then click on Refers to field and select the table in the excel sheet. The refer to will appear as =TableName[ColumnName] Step 3: Now create the drop down list using data validation and mention the source as the name you defined. In this case "Names" Here you go. The drop down list hence created is dynamic. Any addition or deletion in the source table of the drop down ...

Power of Data Validation - 1

In a series where I would like to present on the power of "Data Validation" option in MS Excel, the first and commonly used function is creation of a drop down list in a cell. We often come across situation where we feel the necessity of having a drop down list in a worksheet where the inputs are predefined and the user gets ready option to populate the cell. The easiest way to create such a dropdown is typing out the list values in the data validation -> list option. Step 1 : Go to Data -> Data Validation -> Data Validation...   Step 2 : Select "List" option in the "Allow" drop down box   Step 3: Write down the desired list values seperating them with comma in "Source" box Result: You get the drop down with the desired options in the intended cell What if you intend to create a long list where the entries are too much? Don't worry, excel offers you solution for this as well. Instead of the "Ste...